How many chapters can you survive in the abstract maze of Rabirinsu?

  • Use WSAD to move around
  • Get to the goal in the Upper left corner
  • You can destroy walls if you need to
  • Do not run out off Fnords!
  • Beware enemies steal your Fnords!

Rabirinsu was made in 8 hours for the August BerlinMiniJam, the theme was "Labyrinth of Colors"

I wanted to play around with Particle Systems in Unity and took the Unity 2D Rougelike Tutorial and reworked the sprites with particle systems.


Rabirinsu_Macbuild 24 MB
Download 56 MB


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Yeah played your game it's a real nice game for a free one but you should give an indication that you can break blocks I didn't realise up until the 15 chapter!

Ups , thank you I will update the description

Known Issues :
  • Performance is very bad in some browsers ( Safari ) but it works quite well in Chrome
  • Opponents sometimes make wired moves
What is the maximum chapter that you reached? Post it in the comments, plus any feedback is welcome.